Aug 27, 2009


Neurosonics Audiomedical Labs Inc. from Chris Cairns on Vimeo.

from Neurosonics Audiomedical Labs Inc.

This video is sick! This is the stuff I wish I was making. I wonder how they made it?
They probably set up a 360º camera array around the dudes to create the spinning head footage first and recorded the source audio simultaneously. I bet the dj's used some form of time—coded vinyl or mp3 formatted turntables with an app that recorded the time signatures as they played. Then some one would've had to take that time signature data and translated it to the 360º view of the heads with one revolution of the record being equivalent to a full rotation of the head. Then composting it all together to rap things up, but DAMN! That was hot.

I wounder if Kohl's would let me convince them to do something like this.
Spinning heads on turntables lol, that would be a stretch.

click here for the credits

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