Aug 23, 2009

Let Your Self Feel

The Vimeo description reads:
a little animation project i started this past weekend, inspired by the wonderful music of Olafur Arnalds.

the song is called Ljósið, and you can listen to it at:

In that site you will find a few more songs, and let me tell you, they're all incredibly beautiful and haunting (and inspiring).

the quotes are from many sources, including Brian Eno, Stefan Segmeister, Albert Einstein and a few more i got randomly and i'm not sure about the author.

In all cases, thank you for the inspiration.

Hope you'll like it, cheers.

let yourself feel by esteban diácono is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

Esteban Diácono

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