Aug 11, 2009

Risa Does Portraits for Chester French

Last week Tuesday Chester French was back in Milwaukee to perform with Blink 182 at the Marcus Amphitheater but put they on a free acoustic set first at the Exclusive Company. If you remember a few weeks back I covered their show at Summerfest and when I mailed the guys the footage I had also told them about Risa Marie and asked if they would like her to do a portrait. D.A. responded "A portrait would be sick" so she got busy.

In all actuality Risa pulled these two together the morning of the show but you would never be able to tell with how amazing they both are. You can see her at Digicopy painting Max as I printed the D.A. portrait (team work baby).

By the time we got the piece printed and got to Exclusive Company the guys had already started their set. We did catch the majority of it though. D.A. brought strong vocals and Max was able to play through a broken D string at the end. The energy was nice and the vibe was relaxed too with about 50 people in the store listening and singing along.

D.A.'s eyes lit up through is dark tortes shell glasses when he saw Risa's Rendition of himself and Max.

"Whoah! that's BOLD!" he exclaimed as we all headed towards the autograph line after the show. I bought their album Love The Future on vinyl for them to sign. We all talked for a little while and Risa ended up signing her digital paintings for them as they signed more autographs for their Milwaukee fans. The crowd was pretty diverse. Every one from teeny boppers to physicians on break from work were in attendance. Even Young Focus of the Cranberry Show even showed up for a second, then back to work.

Despite the last minute stress of pulling those portraits together everything went down pretty nice.

1 comment:

  1. Cut the yawner in the beginning.
    It's cute. Remines me of Katelyn.

    Computer is so slow, haven't seen

    I'll comment later, hello!

    Any Body Out There?
