Aug 16, 2009

Always Have More Than Two or Three Spell Checkers

So last night I may have shot myself in the foot with a twelve gauge shot gun. All day I had been putting together the first e-blast for this blog. I was all excited to spread the news about what I have been working on in my spare time and share some of the exclusives I've produced recently. And, like most designers, I got caught up in the visual aesthetic of everything. Should this copy go here. What about that picture there, blah, blah, blah, and I completely missed a GIGANTIC typo before sending it out.

GREATINGS, my email read in DejaVu Sans Bold 60pt as opposed to greetings... AGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now Alot of people who know me just seemed to write it off as one of my inventawords like wonderrific, wowzers(inspector gadget's word not mine) and well... inventaword. But sad to say it really is a typo.

Don't get me wrong here, I spell checked and I even asked someone else to read it over before I sent it out to hundreds of people but just one spell checker isn't enough. If you want to make sure you do not have any typos you should let at least 5 people review your work because what 1 misses 2 might catch, and 3 might see what 1 and 2 skimmed over, then 4 will agree with 3 and 5 will show you where you used the wrong word.

Spelling is highly important in the business of graphic design. If you can't be trusted to produce an error free product for your self how can a client expect you to do so for them. I know if you are like me you get all anxious for people to see what you have been working on but if its really worth it you need to FIGHT YOUR ANXIETY! Take that extra few hours to make sure that it is perfect before you end up with 20 pellets in your mangled left boot.


I fixed the link in the email this morning but I'm afraid that many of the recipient's email browsers cached the old one with the typo.

1 comment:

  1. Shout outs to

    Avelyn Abraham
    Lauren Sophie Gletty
    Katrina Johnson
    Marcin Kraszewski
    And Open writter for spell checking this one lol.

    Biggest point of advice here is to learn from your mistakes.
